Unable to log in

You received your initial credentials via e-mail and are trying to log in to Horizon, but it’s not working.

You received your initial credentials by e-mail and try to login into Horizon, but it does not work. You copy and paste your credentials into the login form, but the login is rejected.

The e-mail includes a link to our password exchange, which allows us to safely transfer your initial password to you. You may have seen a similar form before:

screenshot of example password exchange

If you copied your new password by clicking on the highlighted button (see illustration) and pasted it into the Horizon login screen, a whitespace may habe been added to your password unnoticed.

Please try to highlight the password with your mouse, then cut and paste it into the password field of Horizons login screen. If your other credentials are ok, you should be able to login now.

In the future, we plan to replace the password exchange with a new tool that will eliminate this problem. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope that the above workaround works for you.

Last modified 22.03.2024: m feedback en (de9d0d2)