OpenStack on the Command Line (CLI)

Working with OpenStackClient on the CLI

OpenstackClient Examples

openstack image listshows a list of available images
openstack image show <imagename>shows the details of a specific image
openstack image set <imagename>updates an image by name or ID
openstack image create ISO_IMAGE --file IMAGE.iso --disk-format iso --container-format barecreates an image from an uploaded ISO file
openstack volume create --image <image> --size <size> name <somename>creates a volume with a custom size
openstack volume listlists all volumes in your project
openstack server add volume <server ID> <volume ID> --device /dev/vdbattaches a volume to a server (specifying server ID and volume ID) as /dev/vdb
openstack server remove volume <server ID> <volume ID>detaches a volume from a server (specifying server ID and volume ID)
openstack volume set <volume ID> --size <size>resizes a volume by setting a new size
openstack volume delete <volume ID>deletes a volume (note that a volume cannot be attached to a server during deletion - detach it first)
openstack volume transfer request create <volume ID>creates a volume transfer request - the output of this command is a transfer ID and an authorization key - the key should be sent to the new owner of the volume (e. g. via e-mail)
openstack volume transfer request accept <transfer ID> <authorization key>to complete a volume transfer, the new owner accepts the volume with this command - using the authorization key received via e-mail
openstack volume transfer request delete <transfer ID>deletes a pending volume transfer
Last modified 25.03.2024: m feedback en (e48c5ce)