PSKE - Quotas

Quotas are operational limits that can be set on a per-project or per-user basis in OpenStack and in your PSKE project. They are used to control the amount of resources that a project or user can consume. Quotas can be set for a variety of resources, including compute, storage, and networking.

The table below shows the default quotas that are initially set for each project:

Cores256 Cores
Floating IPs10
Max. Volumes1000
Max. Volume-Size4000 GB
Max. Snapshots per Volume99
Max. Backups99
Max. Backup-Size2000 GB
Key Pairs (SSH)500
Metadata Items100
Security Groups500
Security Group Limits500
Server Groups10
Server Group Memebers15

Quotas can be set using the OpenStack command-line interface or the OpenStack dashboard.

To set quotas using the command-line interface, use the openstack quota set command. For example, to set the maximum number of instances to 100 for the project myproject, you would use the following command:

openstack quota set --instances=100 myproject

To set quotas using the OpenStack dashboard, go to the Project Overview page and click on the Quotas tab.

Quotas are an important part of OpenStack resource management. They can help prevent users from consuming too many resources and causing performance problems for the cloud.