
Private Registry - Harbor

Private Registry - Harbor is a fully automated container registry hosted in the cloud to streamline image management. This service model allows developers to focus on building and deploying containerized applications without the burden of managing the underlying infrastructure.

Supported Harbor Versions

Private RegistryVersion

Application Features

Vulnerability Scanning:

  • Integrated security scanner to ensure secure images before deployment.

Content Trust:

  • Offers digital signing of images to ensure their integrity and authenticity.

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC):

  • Provides fine-grained access control for users and groups, allowing organizations to control who can access specific resources within Harbor.

Policy Enforcement:

  • Allows administrators to set policies for image retention and immutability, helping to comply with data retention regulations.

Graphical User Interface (GUI):

  • Provides an easy-to-use web interface for managing repositories, users, and configurations, as well as viewing logs and statistics.


  • Offers a comprehensive RESTful API that allows for automation and integration with other tools and systems.

Helm Chart Repository:

  • Besides container images, Harbor can store and manage Helm charts, making it a unified repository for cloud-native application components.

Platform Features

Fully Automated Service:

  • Handles software installation and updates.


  • Vertical scaling by adjusting instance sizes.

High Security Standards:

  • Ensures data encryption for enhanced security.

Monitoring and Notifications:

  • Monitors system and service health and responds to errors.

Multi-AZ Deployment:

  • Configurable for Multi-AZ (Availability Zones) deployments.