plusserver Regions and Availability Zones

plusserver offers multiple Regions and Availability Zones (AZs) to provide customers with high availability and disaster recovery options.

What is a Region?

A Region is a geographic area that consists of several isolated and physically separated, therefore redundant, AZs. The distance between regions is >=300km.

What is an Availability Zone (AZ)?

An Availability Zone (AZ) is a location within a Region consisting of one or more data centers designed to be independent of one another, providing redundancy in case of failures or disasters.


  • Data centers in an AZ share at least one common power, network, and cooling supply.
  • An AZ is always independent of another, especially in the areas of power (input, distribution, UPS, emergency power), network (input, router, switches), cooling and buildings.
  • Network Latency between the AZs within the same region is <=2ms

plusserver Region and Availability Zone

The following table lists the regions and AZs offered by plusserver

RegionAvailability ZoneLocation
DE-NORTHDE-NORTH-1Hamburg, Germany
DE-NORTH-2Hamburg, Germany
DE-WESTDE-WEST-1Cologne, Germany
DE-WEST-2Dusseldorf, Germany

Locations and data centers

plusserver Locations and data centers

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