
Keycloak as a Service

Keycloak as a Service is an open-source solution that provides single sign-on with Identity and Access Management (IAM) for developing modern applications and services. It enables the management of users, roles and permissions as well as secure authentication and authorization of applications. Keycloak also supports various authentication methods such as OpenID Connect, OAuth 2.0 and SAML 2.0, offers connection to LDAP and Active Directory and integration with social networks.

Supported components and versions

Keycloak as a Service ComponentsVersion
PostgreSQL DB15

Key Features

Fully Automated Service:

  • Handles software installation, patching, backup and backup-restore.


  • Vertical scaling by adjusting instance sizes. (planned)

Automatic Backups:

  • Daily automatic backups with a default retention period of 7 days.

High Security Standards:

  • Ensures data encryption for enhanced security.

Automatic Software Upgrades:

  • Keycloak as a Service instances receive automatic updates to keep them up to date.

Monitoring and Notifications:

  • Monitors Keycloak components and applications and responds to errors.

Administartion web interface:

Provides a user-friendly web interface for

  • Activation and deactivation of various functions
  • Configuration of identity broker services and user federations
  • Creation and management of applications, services and clients
  • Management of users, groups and their permissions
  • Definition of fine-grained authorization policies
  • Monitoring of sessions


  • Provides a comprehensive RESTful API that allows automation and integration with other tools and systems.
Last modified 27.05.2024: MS-6580 for Keycloak (a1db4c2)