Quick Start Guide
2 minute read
Do you need a Keycloak as a Service instance quickly? Then we will guide you through the ordering process here.
Retrieve Login Credentials
The order process is done and your Keycloak as a Service instance is up and running. The first thing you should do is getting your Login Details.
Working with Keycloak as a Service
Log in to the web interface to use the Keycloak as a Service. Please see Getting Started.
Vertical Scaling: planned
Compute Resourcen
Currently Keycloak as a Service is only available in one node size:
- kc4-8: 4 vCPU + 8 GB RAM
For individual requirements, please open a support ticket.
Data storage
Start with 50 GB and expand up to 200 GB in 50 GB increments. A reduction in data storage size is not possible.
Whitelisting Source IP Addresses
Make sure to only allow known Source IP Addresses that your applications use. This helps keep out unwanted bots or crawlers trying to harm your service.
Unlock your own firewall
You may need to unlock your own firewall to allow client applications access to the Keycloak as a Service instance.In your login details you will find the URL of your Keycloak as a Service instance, from whose FQDN you can determine the IP address required for activation.
For example, if your contract contains the following , you can query the IP address using standard tools such as nslookup, host or dig:
We require secure, encrypted communication from the client/application to our Keycloak as a Service instance. This way, even if someone intercepts the network traffic, they can’t see the data.
If you are getting a certification error make sure the required Let’s Encrypt (intermediate) certificates are available on the accessing system. Let’s Encrypt certificates
Backup and Restore
Get all details about the backup and restore automations in our Backup and Restore document.
Learn about the the patch schedule for your Keycloak as a Service instance in the Updates document.
We monitor our Keycloak as a Service instance by keeping an eye on both the underlying compute and storage resources, as well as performing service-specific checks. Our 24x7 support team handles any incidents that arise, ensuring continuous and reliable service.
Regions and AZ
For information on choosing regions and availability zones, check the Regions and AZ’s document.
The infrastructure is fully redundant. We therefore guarantee an SLA of 99.95 percent.