Setting up the Plusbackup
6 minute read
Step 1: Log into plusbackup
The plusbackup can be reached via the following HTTPs website: Link Log in here with username and password
Click on “Managed Computers” in the left-hand menu bar Here you can see all the managed workloads that you manage and add another workload via “Download Management Agent”
Here you select the operating system of the computer (Windows / Linux / Mac)
- a wizard opens
Here you can define how long the download link can be used by the management agent (default 12 months). For security reasons, a short duration should be selected here (e.g. 1 day)
Via Create Download Link you will then receive a link via which the future client can download the management software or you can download the agent directly via “Download”
This is now installed on the system to be backed up in the future
Important plusbackup uses the following ports that must be enabled on the client and in the infrastructure (firewall, edge gateway, …):
Veeam Agent (Windows) 9395+, 6183+ - see Link
Veeam Agent (Linux) 10002,100006, 2500-3300, 10808 - see Link
Veeam Agent (Mac) 10006,10101, 2500-3300 - see Link
Cloud Gateway 6180
TCP 443 (download information and updates)
TCP 80 (Certification Revocation Lists)
Important regarding pluscloud open: If no MTU size has been specified in the instance to be backed up, the MTU is set to 9000. To enable a backup with plusbackup of this instance, the MTU size of the instance must be set to 1,500.
Step 2: Setting up Plusbackup
We are using a Windows laptop as an example for setting up Plusbackup. The installation requires admin or root rights. Proceed as follows (see screenshots):
After installation, the agent should be started and will then connect to the plusserver Cloud Gateway via port 6180 (this must of course be accessible or enabled on the firewall or similar).
After a few minutes the connectivity should be established, the computer system can also be assigned a tag, which then appears in the HTML GUI.
- If the computer system is a Windows client, the possible connection can also be tested via Powershell (
: tnc port 6180 If no connection is possible, port 6180 must be released (firewall or similar)
Now you can see the new computer system with the “Tag” in the plusbackup HTML Console and mark it with a checkmark, via “Management Agent” you can restart the Management Agent, reboot the computer and also upgrade or delete it, as well as view the logs.
Use the “Install Backup Agent” button to install the backup agent on the selected computer system.
- When installing the backup agent, you can also add it to a backup policy or create a new backup policy. However, as this can also be done later, this is not necessary and you can also select “No Policy”.