S3 Pricing and Storage Policies

Here you will find the prices for the various service classes of our PlusServer S3 service.

Prices per GB

Service ClassPrice per GB*
*List Prices as of 08/02/2024

Storage Policies

S3 Service Class “Standard”

In this service class, the following storage policies apply:

  • Objects are generally stored with Erasure Coding to ensure efficient and durable storage.
  • For objects smaller than 1 MB, storage with replication is preferred over Erasure Coding.
  • A minimum billing size of 128 KB is applied, meaning even smaller objects will be invoiced at this size.

S3 Service Class “Mirror” (-mirr)

For this service class, the following guidelines apply:

  • All objects in this bucket are mirrored to a different GEO location to provide additional redundancy. This means that a complete Erasure Coding object, for example, in Cologne, has a copy of the same object stored in Hamburg.
  • Objects smaller than 1 MB are stored with replication and also mirrored.
  • A minimum billing size of 128 KB is applied.

S3 Service Class “Replication” (-repl)

For this service class, the following guidelines apply:

  • All objects in this bucket are stored as replication between two GEO locations, such as between Cologne and Hamburg. A copy is kept in both Hamburg and Cologne.
  • A minimum billing size of 128 KB is applied.

Additional Information for Storage Policies

These storage policies ensure that your data is efficiently and securely stored based on the selected service class. While small objects with a size below 128 KB can be stored, they will be billed with a minimum size of 128 KB. This is because storing such small objects incurs higher storage overhead in our S3 system.

Differences between Storage Policies

OptionDescriptionRedundancyLocationsUse Case
-mirrDual storage with Erasure Coding and replication in duplicateGeoredundant + Site Redundantde-north-2 and de-west-1Production-critical applications or user data
-replReplication of objects distributed between both data centersOnly Georedundantde-north-2 and de-west-1Double backup, Cost-effective georedundancy
StandardRegional storage with Erasure Coding and replicationOnly Site Redundantde-north-2 or de-west-1Production data, Secure data storage within a geolocation

This table provides an overview of the main differences between the options for creating buckets in our new S3.

Last modified 03.05.2024: dos2unix mansvc files (d79b1ea)