Migration Script for Migrating an S3 Service to plusserver S3 Service with Versioning and Object-Lock
6 minute read
This extension of our documentation guides you through the use of migration scripts provided by plusserver for seamlessly transitioning from an existing S3 service to our plusserver S3 service. Our script takes into account important aspects such as versioning, tags, metadata, and, most importantly, essential Object-Lock information.
To successfully perform this process, you need two essential tools: Minio and jq. These must be installed on your system to ensure the safe and efficient migration of your data.Step 1: Install and Set Up Minio Client
For the installation and setup of the Minio client and setting up an alias, you can use the following short guide:
You can download the Minio client from the official website.
Execute the following commands to download the Minio client, make it executable, and make it available in your path:
curl https://dl.min.io/client/mc/release/linux-amd64/mc \
--create-dirs \
-o $HOME/minio-binaries/mc
chmod +x $HOME/minio-binaries/mc
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/minio-binaries/
Verify the installation by running the command mc –help. If the Minio client is installed correctly, you will see the help guide.
Step 2: Set Up an Alias
To access your plusserver S3 service, you need to create an alias. Replace ACCESS_KEY and SECRET_KEY with your actual access credentials.
mc alias set plusserver https://s3.de-west-1.psmanaged.com ACCESS_KEY SECRET_KEY
With this alias, you can now access your plusserver S3 storage and transfer files. Repeat this process with your existing S3 storage.
Step 3: Check for Outdated Object-Lock Data
To ensure the migration script works smoothly, it is important to confirm that there are no expired Object-Lock information for your objects. You can check this with the following command:
mc retention info --recursive ALIAS/BUCKET --versions | grep "EXPIRED"
Replace ALIAS
with your Alias and BUCKET
with the Bucket Name you want to check. If objects with expired Object-Lock information are present, they will look like this:
[ GOVERNANCE EXPIRED ] fe11a6df-af76-c69f-b8d3-5cba2c687bf8 ALIAS/BUCKET/test-governance/file1.txt
In this case, you should either delete the expired Object-Lock information or the affected object, or extend the Object-Lock information into the future. Otherwise, the migration script will not be successful, and an error message will be displayed, as retention cannot be set in the past. Ensure that all objects you want to migrate have valid Object-Lock information.
The EXPIRED warning is only displayed for objects with the GOVERNANCE status. COMPLIANCE will not be displayed. These need to be reviewed individually or in the single view.Step 3a: (Optional) Delete Object-Lock Information
If you want to delete the Object-Lock information of a specific object using the Minio client, you can use the following command:
mc retention clear ALIAS/BUCKET/PATH --version-id VERSIONID
- ALIAS with your alias for the S3 service.
- BUCKET with the name of the bucket where the object is located.
- PATH with the path to the object in the bucket.
- VERSIONID with the ID of the version of the object whose Object-Lock information you want to delete.
By executing this command, the Object-Lock information for the specified object and version will be deleted. Ensure you have the appropriate permissions and authorizations for this action, as deleting Object-Lock information in your S3 service may be restricted.
Step 4: Save the Script to Your System
Download the migration script to your system. This script is used to migrate data from your source profile and source bucket to your destination profile and destination bucket.
# Check if the required arguments have been provided
if [ $# -ne 4 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 sourceprofile sourcebucket destinationprofil destinationbucket"
exit 1
# Helper function to check application availability
check_application_availablility() {
# Check if MinIO (mc) is installed
if ! command -v mc &>/dev/null; then
echo "Error: MinIO (mc) is not installed."
exit 1
# Check if jq is installed
if ! command -v jq &>/dev/null; then
echo "Error: jq is not installed."
exit 1
copy_tags() {
local version_id="$1"
local filename="$2"
local tags_json=$(mc tag list "$SOURCE_PROFILE/$SOURCE_BUCKET/$filename" --version-id "$version_id" --json)
# Check if tags are present
if [[ $tags_json == *"\"tagset\":{"* ]]; then
# Extract and format tags from JSON
local formatted_tags=$(echo "$tags_json" | jq -r '.tagset | to_entries | map("\(.key)=\(.value)") | join("&")')
if [ -n "$formatted_tags" ]; then
mc tag set "$DESTINATION_PROFILE/$DESTINATION_BUCKET/$filename" "$formatted_tags"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Tags for $filename (Version ID: $version_id) transferred successfully."
echo "Error setting tags for $filename (Version ID: $version_id). The script will abort."
exit 1
echo "No tags found."
echo "No tags found."
# Function to copy a single object
copy_object() {
local version_id=$1
local filename="$2"
local destination_path=$(dirname "$2")/
if [ "$destination_path" = "./" ]; then
mc cp --recursive "$SOURCE_PROFILE/$SOURCE_BUCKET/$filename" "$DESTINATION_PROFILE/$DESTINATION_BUCKET/$destination_path" --version-id "$version_id"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Object $filename with Version ID $version_id transferred successfully."
echo "Error copying $filename (Version ID: $version_id). The script will abort."
exit 1
# Call copy_tags
copy_tags "$version_id" "$filename"
# Main function for migrating buckets
migrate_bucket() {
local output_file="object_list.txt"
mc ls --recursive "$SOURCE_PROFILE/$SOURCE_BUCKET" --versions | grep PUT | sort -t "v" -k 2,2n | awk '{print $6 " " $9}' > "$output_file"
# Read the file and process the objects
while IFS= read -r object; do
local version_id filename
read -r version_id filename <<< "$object"
local log_entry="$version_id $filename"
if [ ! -f "$LOG_FILE" ] || ! grep -q "$log_entry" "$LOG_FILE"; then
echo "Copy $filename with Version ID $version_id"
if copy_object "$version_id" "$filename"; then
echo "$log_entry" >> "$LOG_FILE"
done < "$output_file"
rm "$output_file"
# Call the helper function to check configurations
# Start the migration
Make the script executable: Ensure that the downloaded script is executable. Use the command chmod +x SCRIPT_NAME
, where SCRIPT_NAME is the name of the script.
Run the script as follows:
./SCRIPT_NAME sourceprofile sourcebucket destinationprofile destinationbucket
Please replace sourceprofile, sourcebucket, destinationprofile, and destinationbucket with the corresponding profile and bucket names you want to use for your migration.
After copying the script to your system and making it executable, you can execute it with the correct parameters to start the data migration.
Note for Object-Lock Configuration during Data Migration within the Same S3
For a successful transfer of Object-Lock configuration, different profiles are required. For example, if you use the profile “plusserver” both as a source and destination profile, but specify different source and destination buckets, the migration will take place within the same S3 storage system. However, the Object-Lock information will not be transferred in this case.
To ensure that S3-Object-Lock configurations are correctly adopted during migration, we recommend using the profile “plusserver” as the source profile and the profile “plusserver2” as the destination profile. Make sure that both profiles have the same information in the configuration file. This will perform the migration within the same cluster while successfully transferring S3-Object-Lock settings.
Please be aware that if the script is rerun, only unknown versions of objects will be transferred. All details about successfully transferred versions and objects can be found in migration_log.txt
If you wish to transfer all data again, you must delete the migration_log.txt
file before rerunning the script. This ensures that the entire migration process starts from the beginning without considering already transferred versions and objects.